All Campers are welcome to join in the fun.
Activity schedule may change due to weather or other circumstances out of our control.
WCCR Easter egg hunt. Starting with our adult hunt, then children egg hunt to follow. A visit from the easter bunny and duckie derby in the creek.
Come socialize and enjoy WCCR's Cinco De Mayo celebration. Family fun and yummy food!
Cornhole tournament will begin following the Cinco De Mayo celebration!
Come celebrate Mother's Day at our brunch tea party. The tea party will begin at 12:00pm.
Campground yardsale at 3:00pm. You may find lots of treasures!
Come join us for appetizers and drinks during our first Backwoods Ball as our campers compete to be crowned Mr. and Mrs. Walnut Creek Campground, along with Little Mr. and Little Miss.
Sunday May, 25th come enjoy live music!
Friday June 13th, come out and have fun celebrating Father's Day in the fishing derby!
Saturday June 14th, Come and enjoy our Dad & Donuts, Father's Day Breakfast at 9:00am
Golf Cart Rally events will follow the Father's Day breakfast!
Join us for our first pickleball tournamnt!
Live music to follow in the evening!
Celebrate the 4th of July with WCCR at the Under The Big Top Independence Day Carnival!
WCCR will also host their annual firework show at dark!
Enjoy our Christmas in July activities, elf style!
Come out for our 3rd annual car show and vendor fair!
WCCR will celebrate Labor Day weekend with games, food, and live music, rodeo style! Live music from Shawn Avery on Aug. 31st 7pm-11pm.
Come enjoy food, drinks, and karaoke!